About 'walking dead current episode'|THE WALKING DEAD - 1x02 "Guts" - Episode Review
Kira had finally escaped. She built her freelance business and quit her job. She left for "work" every day. What he didn't know was she went to a cyber café and worked from there. He had slowly moved himself into her apartment. Before she knew it, he was there all the time. She didn't mind at first. He was still so sweet. Then the controlling behavior started. He tracked her every move. He pressured her to change. He made her learn about all these things from his life, but he never bothered to learn about hers. He obligated her to things she didn't have time for. Anytime she tried to do something for herself, he would have a crisis. She would be interrupted to deal with his breakdown. Soon he was smothering her and killing her spirit. She had to get out. He never hit her. That would have given her an easy out. Instead he kept this nice guy persona as he emotionally abused her instead. He would threaten to kill himself. He would have wild mood swings. When he was low, he was very hard to deal with. He would be critical of her constantly. At one point he asked her to break up with him so he could kill himself with a clean conscious. He constantly talked about his ex's and how they did him wrong. Even after she told him she did not like anyone reading over her shoulder, he kept doing it. He read her e-mails, her mail, he even listened intently to her phone calls. One day she got a phone call on her cell. She didn't recognize the number, and they didn't leave a voice mail. Kira just blew it off. It was probably a wrong number. Ian was convinced she was lying. He called the number back, and got some guy's voicemail. When the guy's name matched up with a name in her phone book, he accused her of lying to him. He was constantly pulling crap like that. She tried to end it once before. She even kicked him out. He spent days e-mailing her. When she did talk to him face to face he just went on and on about how badly she had treated him. He told her he forgave her for all of that and tried to get to her to commit to meeting again. When she later backed out, he pulled a low card. He threatened to end her career. She had done nothing wrong, but he could make it look like she did. He claimed a friend was the one up to it, but she knew he was lying. Still she was scared, and she needed to be sure this wouldn't happen. Kira let Ian be the hero once again. This time would be different. She filed a police report. She had saved all his threatening e-mails from before. Kira did her homework and made sure that he really couldn't do what he wanted to do. She made a paper trail to defend herself. If he tried to hurt her, he would be prosecuted. She waited for her lease to run out. She found another apartment on the other side of town. Then she waited. They had made plans to visit his mother, but last minute she told Ian she had to work the weekend. He couldn't let down his mother, so he went with out her. That is when Kira rented a van and moved out. He didn't work, so he never left the apartment. This was her only chance to escape. When Ian returned, she was gone, the lease was up and she did not leave a forwarding address. Then it was time to wait again. She moved to the other side of the city, but that wasn't enough. She was so scared he would find her. Kira hardly left her apartment. She basically only left to go to the store. She telecommuted all of her jobs. She stopped calling her old friends. He had made her stop talking to most of them anyway. She kept waiting for him to get her new cell phone number, or find her new e-mail address. After a few months, she was offered a new freelance job. The catch was she actually had to meet face to face with the client. She was still scared of running in to him. San Francisco isn't a big city. There was a good chance they would cross paths. Even with all this worry, she couldn't pass up the job. She worried that he would find her. He would be angry. She had left him, and then days later he was kicked out of the apartment. He didn't have a job. He had no way to support himself. Ian would find a way to survive. He always did. It was his trademark. He'd find another girl to tell his story of woe to. He would tell him of all the people who had wronged him. He would explain that all these really bad things happened to him, but none of them were his fault. He knew how to be Mr. Wonderful. He knew how to play on your emotions and fears. Kira was terrified on the day of the interview. She boarded a bus and headed downtown. Her hands trembled as she clung to her laptop. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest at every stop. She feared he would be one of the people boarding. Finally, she reached her stop. Kira made her way up the block. Geary was a one way street, so her stop was a block down. She tried to avoid the panhandlers on the streets as she made her way to a quaint boutique hotel. It was a few blocks from Union Square. They needed some new promotional materials made. They had a website, but it had very little content. This management company owned a handful of Union Square hotels, and they were in the process of revamping their marketing on all of them. Kira honestly didn't expect to win a bid. When she did, they told her that she would have to meet one on one with the manager and the owner to consult on content. Still she couldn't say no. The hotel lobby was very welcoming. There was a little coffee shop connected by a doorway. Tylerr, the manager, was waiting for her at the front desk. He took her back to an office where the owner was waiting. Both men seemed really nice. They were impressed with her previous work, and both looked forward to working with her. She took a look at the materials they already had, and she found out what direction they wanted to go in. She could feel Tyler staring intently at her. She probably looked a mess. She had been dyeing her hair red for years. When she left she dyed it black. Ian would be looking for a red head. She wasn't sure if she liked it yet. She hadn't slept well in months. There were times where she had to force herself to eat, and even then she couldn't keep it in her. She was a mess. Kira had tried to make herself presentable. She had flat ironed her long hair. She broke out her make up for the first time in months. Her current predicament and her sun allergy kept her out of the sun, so she was really pale. Kira was afraid she looked sickly. Not even the make up could hide her tired eyes. Visine had taken out the redness. Conceler hid the dark circles. None of that could mask the exhaustion in her pale blue eyes. She put together some samples on her laptop. Both Tyler and his boss seemed impressed. They decide on the details, and Kira said she would be in touch once she had the materials done. Tyler walked her out. He seemed sweet. He was tall with long dark hair. He looked good in his business causal get up. He probably looked even better in a suit. The bus stop was right outside the hotel, but he stood and waited with her. He made small talk. He told her he had moved here from the east coast. He was trying to get her to open up, but she just couldn't. As the two talked, an express bus flew by. It was a Geary bus, but they weren't at an express stop. Shortly after that, her bus stopped. She climbed aboard and headed home. Once she had completed the job, she called up Tyler and set up an appointment. She once again made the trip downtown. Kira made her pitch, and the two of them loved it. She gave them the disc and her invoice. She thanked them for the opportunity. As Tyler walked her out, he told her she could expect payment within the next few weeks. He waited for the bus with her again. This time he was more forward. Now that her job was done, he could ask her out. She wanted to say yes so badly, but she was afraid to. She had been hiding from Ian for so long, she was afraid to resurface any more than she already had. Still, he seemed so sweet, and she really wanted to get out and experience life again. Kira had been alone for so long, and she had been lonely long before that. She said yes, and the two made dinner plans. She had been constantly been looking over her shoulder for months. She had been so cautious. She threw all that away in one moment. She should have looked over her shoulder one more time. Ian was sitting in the coffeehouse, watching her through the window. He had been on that express bus weeks earlier. He saw her talking to Tyler. He had come back to that bus stop each day for hours at a time, hoping she would return. Now he had found her, but he couldn't risk being seen. He couldn't get on the same bus as her, but he could follow her new boyfriend. Ian watched Tyler go back to the hotel. He watched through the open doorway as he spoke to the girl at the front desk and walked away. He knew where he worked. Now all he had to do is follow him. Kira was a little nervous about her first date with Tyler. She had been single for a year before Ian and five years before that. She hadn't always made the best choices in regards to men. Just look at Ian. She had been too scared to give Tyler her address. Instead she was meeting him at the restaurant. They went to a Thai restaurant in the Haight, before running to a fantasy/sci-fi bookstore in the Mission. She was having such a good time that she didn't even notice the blue Nissan Pulsar that was following them. In her defense, as far as she knew Ian didn't have a car. The car must belong to his new girlfriend. Kira didn't know he had been following Tyler for days. They returned to the Haight to get drinks at a Victorian style bar before he took her home. He parked his car outside her building, but she didn't want him to leave. They had such a wonderful time. She had to say goodnight. They made plans to go out again. He walked her to her door, and gave her a kiss. Kira was euphoric, but it wouldn't last long. She shut the door behind her, and secured it with a barrage of locks. Then she reached into her pocket and realized she had left her cellphone in his car. She thought maybe she could catch him before he left. She opened door, and Ian was waiting. He pushed his way inside. Kira screamed. She hoped her neighbors would hear. The unit next door was empty, but surely the people upstairs could hear. She lived in a modest studio apartment. There was not anywhere to hide. She didn't know what to do. She didn't have a phone, for all she knew Tyler was incapacitated or dead, and she had nowhere to run. She wished that the prosecutor had granted her the protective order. He had never hit her, and all his threats were through allegedly through a third party. The man said that with out direct threats or violence they didn't have grounds to do anything. Granted, a piece of paper probably wouldn't mean a thing to him. The prosecutor didn't even try to help her. They didn't even follow up on the report she filed when he said his friend was threatening to ruin her career. They took the report to appease her, but they assured her that the disc in question probably didn't exist. These were just threats to assert his power. Even if he (or his "friend" ) tried to make the contents public, nothing would probably happen. Legally she couldn't be fired. They never questioned him about it. They never bothered to determine if there really was a friend involved, or if he was just making the threats himself. Maybe if he knew the police were involved he would back off. Now none of that speculation mattered. Ian just laughed as he slammed the door behind him. There he stood with a gun in his hand. He had threatened to kill himself before, but he never actually went through with it. She never really thought he had a gun. Maybe he bought it after she left. This time he may actually go through with it and take her with him. What do you say in an instance like this? She had spent the better part of their relationship walking on egg shells. She watched every word she said. Kira had worked hard not to say anything that would stress him out, upset him, or set him off. Before she had to worry about a drama episode, now this was a life of death situation. He ranted about how she had ruined him. He had trusted her with his life, and she threw him away. All he wanted to do is talk. Even after she broke his heart, he wanted to be friends. He forgave her for betraying him. Now he was just angry. Even has he yelled, the gun remained at his side. He kept trying to get closer to her, but she kept backing away. Soon she would be running out of room. She needed to figure out how to get around him. She needed to get to the door. She ran around the back of the couch. He shot at her once, but he missed. She almost made it to the door when he grabbed her. He wasn't going to kill himself. He was just going to kill her. She struggled to pull free, but his grip was too tight. She somehow managed to make him lose balance, and he fell on top of her. She struggled and flailed to free herself. She used her free hand to try and get the gun away from him. He was too strong. All she could do is try and push the barrel away from her. She could feel his hand tighten around the gun. It was only a matter of time before he pulled the trigger. She gave up on the gun and clawed his eyes. She had to get off the floor. He jumped off of her, but now he was blocking the door. She ran to the back of the apartment. The window was her only hope. Her apartment was on the third floor. She wasn't sure the fire escape worked, but even if she jumped it wouldn't kill her. She broke the window with a chair (since she had nailed them shut), and climbed through the glass shards to the fire escape. As she went to push the ladder down, he tried to grab her again. He cut himself pretty badly coming through the window. Blood ran down his face and into his eyes. She pulled free long enough to get the ladder to lock. This time he grabbed her by the hair. Kira yelped in pain. She reached over and dug her nails into his fresh wounds. He let go, but he lunged at her again. This time he missed, and fell head first into the pavement below. She watched as he tripped over his own feet and plunged over the railing. Maybe she could have caught him, but she just let him fall. By now, her neighbors had called the police. She could hear the sirens approaching as she looked down at him. She wasn't sure he was dead. It was only three stories, but he did fall head first. She stood there, looking down, until the police entered her apartment. They took her statement. The paramedics arrived, but it was too late. Ian was dead. A photographer came and took pictures of the damage to the apartment. As he snapped photos, the police looked for evidence. She gave them her old case number. She told them that she was not granted a protective order. They took it all down in little notebooks. Somewhere along the line Tyler showed up. He had found her cellphone. He had been downstairs for a while. The police wouldn't let him up. They eventually took the phone from him and returned it for him. He refused to leave. When she was given her phone, she told the officer she wanted to see him. She didn't want to be alone. Kira had been alienated from all her friends. Her family was miles away. They brought Tyler up. She didn't understand why she was still scared. He was dead. The threat was gone. She had a police cruiser outside of her complex and a guy she had only been on one date with sleeping on her couch. Ian was gone, but the nightmares remained. Now she had to face the future not knowing what to expect. The police would search where ever he was staying. Maybe he went back to his mother's in Sacramento. Maybe he had a new girlfriend. Kira wondered who else would have their life turned upside down. She doubted he was staying with a friend. She was pretty sure his one lone friend had kicked him out. That was probably the reason Ian moved in with her to begin with. She had not seen or heard from Davis since then. Ian threatened to try and destroy her life with lies before. He could possibly have already prepared the items. That could be a whole new drama. The one person she let in may never want to see her again. Nothing would ever be the same. |
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